Monday, May 30, 2016


I turned in the initial set of paperwork for fostering a week ago and we have yet to hear back from the agency.  Robin and I are on pins and needles waiting to hear back so we can start shopping for the nursery.  Kendall is filled with doubt that we will pass inspection.  He says that there are hundreds of reasons we could be denied for fostering and doesn't want to get his hopes up (we already have been let down 4 times when it comes to having children).  I sure hope all of this waiting ends very soon, WITH GOOD NEWS!!!!

In the mean time, Robin and I continue to drool over the plans we have for the nursery.  We had a snag where the crib was concerned (we had an almost impossible time finding a regular sized crib that converted into a twin bed) but last night I found one that does.  Best of all Robin and I love the color, design AND price.  We are both SOOOO HAPPY!!!  This crib will work well with the Woodland Critters and outdoors theme we are doing.  We now will have even more fun picking out crib sheets.

I did however buy one thing for our future kids, a baby carrier.  I had already planned on baby wearing our biological kids so it was just natural that I continue the pan with our foster kids.  I did quite a bit of research for baby carriers while I was pregnant with Micah and then continued it while there was a chance of biological children.  I was debating between an Ergo 360 or a Lillebaby.  I had never seen any of them in person before until last week when I found a Lilebaby in a baby boutique.  I fell in LOVE with it and immediately went home to check on styles and designs.  I once again came across a Lillebaby All Seasons print I loved and decided I had to have it.  I spent hours looking online for a place that sold it and, thinking I would never find it again for sale, snagged it up.  I am so excited for it to arrive.  I will write about it again when it comes.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

Things are falling into place!!!!

I'm SOOO EXCITED!!! Kendall and I have our first wave of paperwork all filled out for foster parenting and ready to be turned in first thing tomorrow morning. We needed to take a family picture in front of our apartment to turn in with the paperwork and we did that a few minutes a go. Foster parenting classes begin 5 weeks from tonight. Kendall and I decided we are going to foster infants and toddlers for now. We are also open to having 2 siblings and hopefully in the near future, we will be able to take up to 4 siblings.
Last night Kendall, Robin and I decided we are going to have a Woodlands Critter and outdoor theme for the nursery. Robin and I have been drooling over crib sheets and decor for the past 2 days. Robin and I also found a convertible crib that we all like on-line and will probably order it on Friday.  It feels like things are finally falling into place and it will actually happen!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

We are signed up for class

Although Kendall and I are still working on getting the apartment ready for the home inspection and I am still working on the paperwork, we are signed up to take the STAR Fostering classes beginning June 20th.  The classes are every Monday (except July 4th) from 6PM-9PM in Jefferson City (about 30minutes away) from June 20th until August 23rd.  We are really excited!!!!